Stories and Images from the Previous Sessions

Bureau of the UN-Habitat Assembly

Composition of the Bureau

The first Joint Bureaux meeting of the Governing Bodies (UN-Habitat Assembly, Committee of Permanent Representatives and Executive Board) was held on Friday 31st May 2019 at 2:00 pm.



Latin America and Caribbean Group - Mexico


Africa Group - Ghana

Eastern European Group - Poland

Western European and Others Group - Germany


Asia Pacific Group - China

Meetings of the Bureau

Bureau meeting-10 May 2023
Statement by the Executive Director

Statement by the President of the UN-Habitat Assembly

Presentation by the Executive Director

Provisional Agenda

Bureau meeting-24 April 2023
Statement by the Executive Director

Presentation by the Executive Director

Statement by the Chair of the CPR under agenda items 3 and 4

Option for the alignment of UN-Habitat planning cycles and cycle of election of the offices of the governing bodies with the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review as recommended by the Bureau of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to UN-Habitat

Legal Note of the alignment of the UN-Habitat planning cycles and cycle of election of the offices of the governing bodies with the quadrennial comprehensive policy review(QCPR)

Talking points for the President of the UN-Habitat Assembly

Provisional Agenda

Proposed Substantive Resolutions

Procedural resolutions and resolutions to be proposed by the Chair

Summary of discussions

Bureau meeting-15 February 2023
Statement by the Executive Director

Presentation by the Secretariat

Annotated Agenda

Provisional Agenda

Update note on submission of resolutions ( Rev.1)

Organisation of work for the session as recommended by the bureau

Summary of discussions

Joint Bureaux meeting – 18 October 2022
Provisional Agenda for the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly (Agenda item 2)

Resolution 20/21 on the organization and themes for future sessions of the Governing Council (Agenda items 3 &4)

Themes of past sessions of the Governing Council and of the first session of the UN-Habitat Assembly (Agenda items 3&4)

Concept note on the special theme of the second session of the UN-Habitat Assembly

Presentation by the Secretariat

Statement by the Executive Director

Summary of discussions